I am a landscape artist.

I listen to the living, sacred spaces of our Earth.


Ode to Trees, from Earth: The Beloved

Old Growth for symphony orchestra

Living landscapes travel through time

reflecting light

holding space


Fading Radiance: CoralEssence for mixed chamber ensemble

On the River Sky, a poem

Song of the Wind and Waters (from Earth: the Beloved) for choir and piano

Gleaming Tide, for symphony orchestra.

dying landscapes only survive by changing

disturbance is their sustenance


FireBirth for violin and piano

Landscapes are

mirrors of dreams

divine imagination


December Sky for soprano and mezzo soprano

Exquisite eventide,

shimmering blue light:

we praise you, O Bearer of Radiance,

at the gloaming of the day.

Burning Eventide for symphony orchestra

Deep pool of blue, azure, sapphire.

Nebulous realm, everlasting space,

infinite sphere.

from Earth: the Beloved

Landscapes bear witness to the slow transformations of time

making everything new


Deep, Blue Silence, for mezzo-soprano

Arroyo, for mezzo-soprano, clarinet, and piano

On the clean edge, a poem

trembling with the unceasing rhythms of time

The Seasons

Song of the Spring, a poem

Song of the Autumn, a poem

Landscapes are larger bodies

that teach smaller bodies

to be at home in themselves.

Photo by Jorie Van Nest

The Human Family

Reclaim, a poem for chamber orchestra

breathless, a poem for choir

Thank You for Being Here, for choir

Come, Sacred Joy, string quartet

Rocks, trees, sky, soil, bodies of water, and creatures of all kinds are teachers of life.

Cultivating beauty simply by being alive.

Those who understand their own purpose on this planet, understand the nature of life itself.


Storytelling Convener