The Music of the Void

Singing our darkness, our wonder, our hope. Looking for the light on the other side of the void.

In collaboration with dancers, composers, poets, chamber musicians, singers, scientists, actors, and Hubble Space images, Spiritus Novus created a concert in resonance with the first black hole image ever captured.

We explored by looking up to the stars, celebrating the work of female scientists, and wondering if the black hole lives inside of us as we experience what it means to be human.

Watch here.

About Our Program

In this performance, we seek to explore the mystery of the cosmos as we celebrate the remarkable image of the Powhei black hole. Each composer, choreographer, and poet undertook the challenge of capturing the emotions, thoughts, and experiences one has when looking up into the heavens.

We are striving to lift up the power of coming together on a global scale to share a collective wonderment towards the cosmos. We also want to celebrate the achievement of Katie Bouman, the amazing computer scientist who created the algorithm that knit each piece of the image together from each telescope around the globe.

After acknowledging the beauty of unity, we want to examine all of the emotions that come with looking up in wonder. While there can be a sense of joy and awe, there can also be a sense of anxiety, grief, and loss. We will look into the darkness of the black hole as a reminder of the darkness that is infused within our own souls. We will sit in our darkness until we are able to come through the other side and back into the light.


Able to breathe freely again, a little lighter than before.